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3 Reasons We Treat Mental Health Conditions and Substance Use Together

While mental health and substance use may seem like two different worlds, being diagnosed with both a mental health condition and substance use tendencies is very common. It is often called a dual diagnosis. 

In fact, one in four adults who struggles with substance use is also diagnosed with a mental health condition. So, with statistics like that, why are only 7% of individuals getting treated for both conditions? 

In this brief article, Phoenix House Florida, an addiction treatment center in Tampashares three reasons mental health conditions and substance use should be treated together. 


1. Substance Use Can Lead to Mental Health Issues

While some people may be predisposed to experiencing mental health conditions, others who only use substances can experience symptoms of mental health conditions due to the side effects of certain drugs. Substance use intensifies the experiences of the user, so those who are predisposed to certain mental health conditions see those intensify as well. 

For example, opioid users are at greater risk of experiencing depression, and alcohol use can cause anxiety and antisocial behavior symptoms.  


2. Untreated Mental Health Conditions Can Lead to Substance Use

Self-medication is often referred to as the misuse of alcohol or drugs to relieve stress symptoms caused by mental health conditions. It can start as one night out to take your mind off a stressful day and become a recurring behavior leading to regular substance use. 


3. Substance Use and Mental Health Conditions Often Have Similar Causes

Causes such as genetics, traumatic events, and common adolescent struggles are related to both substance use and mental health conditions. See how these examples look in real life: 

  • Susceptibility to drug addiction can be linked to approximately half of a person’s genes. 
  • Those who have been in combat and are diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are more likely to use alcohol, with 65% of veterans who enter a program reporting alcohol misuse the most.  
  • Peer pressure on teens to fit in leads to stress and an increased likelihood of experimenting with what peers are doing, which can lead teens to try substances and experience depression. 


Contact Phoenix House Florida, a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center in Tampa

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, please speak with our drug and alcohol treatment center in the Tampa area, which cares for symptoms of not only substance use but also prioritizes mental health. 

Please request an appointment today to schedule a consultation with Phoenix House Florida. 

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for general educational purposes only. All content and media on the Phoenix House Florida website does not constitute professional medical advice nor is the information intended to replace the services provided by Phoenix House Florida or other qualified medical professionals. If you believe you are having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

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At Phoenix House Florida, we have a passion for healing. If you or your loved one are in need of subtance use treatment, we are here to help. Give us a call or submit our appointment request form today.

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How Can We Help?

At Our House

For some patients, stepping away from the buzz of everyday life is the only way to make a full recovery. Inpatient treatments help patients refocus their recovery efforts to achieve positive, long-lasting outcomes.

The Derek Jeter Center

The Derek Jeter Center Adolescent program in Brandon, FL provides comprehensive outpatient services that help families deal with teen substance use and related mental health conditions.

At Your House

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery. Outpatient treatment must follow a continuum of care that starts with a thorough needs assessment and ends with recovery monitoring.